Teen Dual Diagnosis

Teen Dual Diagnosis Services in Phoenix, AZ

Dual diagnoses, also known as co-occurring disorders, are prevalent among Americans today. Those with substance use disorders (SUDs) are likely to either have or develop a co-occurring mental illness alongside their addiction, complicating the treatment and recovery process if both aren’t accounted for in a rehabilitation program.

As of 2022, SAMSHA reported that “approximately 21.5 million adults in the United States have a co-occurring disorder.”

One study showed that out of a little over a thousand children and adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 receiving mental health treatment, 40.8% also were struggling with substance use disorders.
“A more recent U.S. study looking into the data of adolescents and young adults (aged 12–20) admitted to a psychiatric hospital primarily for mental health conditions found a 48% prevalence of dual diagnoses.”

What are the criteria for dual diagnosis?

The most common mental health disorders associated with substance use disorders include:

  • Anxiety and mood disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Conduct disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Those receiving treatment for mental illness are typically associated with the following substances:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Opioids
  • Stimulants
  • Marijuana
  • Hallucinogens
  • Prescription drugs

DSM-5 Criteria for Dual Diagnosis

A dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorder, is considered a combination of any two or more SUDs and mental disorders as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Common Disorders in Teens

Mental illnesses often occurring among teenagers include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Eating Disorders

What are the symptoms of Dual Diagnosis?

Symptoms will differ from person to person, depending on the combination of co-occurring disorders they have. 

Some of the common behaviors involving both substance use and mental health disorders include:

  • Withdrawal from relationships or social engagement
  • Lack of focus/concentration
  • Sudden behavioral changes
  • Riskier behaviors
  • High substance tolerance
  • Substance dependence
  • Needing a substance “to function”
  • Severe mood changes
  • Confusion.
  • Problems with school or work
  • Suicidal thoughts

What is the treatment for Dual Diagnosis?

It is important that when treating cases of dual diagnosis, both substance use and mental health disorders are treated. Typically, clients will go through medically assisted detoxification from the substance and then will receive ongoing treatment and behavioral therapy for both addiction and any co-occurring mental disorders.

Decoding Dual Diagnosis at Horizon Recovery

Simultaneous Treatment

Co-occurring disorders can be intertwined, each amplifying the other. We ensure that both are treated concurrently, providing a more comprehensive healing journey.

Personalized Care Plans

Recognizing the unique intricacies of each individual’s dual diagnosis, our specialists curate treatment plans tailored to resonate with the specific needs and challenges of every teen.

Integrated Therapies

Our approach weaves together various therapeutic techniques, from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and more, ensuring that every aspect of the dual diagnosis is addressed.

Why Choose Horizon Recovery for Dual Diagnosis?

  • Expertise in Complexity
    Our team consists of specialists trained in the nuances of dual diagnosis, offering expertise that’s pivotal in understanding and treating co-occurring disorders.
  • Family-Centric Care
    Acknowledging the central role of families in recovery, we incorporate them into the treatment process, empowering them with tools and understanding to support their loved ones.
  • Holistic Healing
    Beyond therapy, our services at Peoria’s Horizon Recovery encompass case management, community reintegration, nutritional counseling, and more, ensuring all-encompassing support for teens.

Embrace Recovery in Phoenix, AZ

Our location in the heart of Greater Phoenix offers not just expert treatment, but also a sanctuary for healing. The calm ambiance of Horizon Recovery amplifies the therapeutic experience, making recovery a deeply transformative journey.

Horizon Recovery: Your Beacon for Dual Diagnosis Recovery

Navigating the maze of a dual diagnosis can be daunting. But with the right guidance, expertise, and support, the path to resilience and recovery becomes clearer. Horizon Recovery, renowned for our dual diagnosis specialty, stands as a beacon of hope for countless youth and their families.

If you believe your teen may benefit from dual diagnosis services, our compassionate team in Phoenix, AZ, is just a call away.