Teen Mental Health Treatment With Family Involvement

At Horizon Recovery, we recognize that when a daughter or son is struggling with depression, substance use, or another mental health challenge, the entire family is affected. We also believe the family should be part of the healing and recovery process whenever possible.

Recovery is really about growth and healing. When a teen struggles with depression or addiction, they eventually reach an impasse where nothing seems to change the way they feel. Being ‘stuck,’ soon despair sets in. This may manifest as anger and ‘acting out,’ or they may turn inward and become more depressed.

At the same time, the addicted or depressed teen pulls away from family. Their loved ones can see they are hurt and suffering but feel powerless to help. Their relationship with family can begin to suffer. The teen is stuck, feeling that no one really understands what they are experiencing, yet without the tools to communicate what they are feeling, much less find their way out.

Because Families Recover Together

When family is a part of the treatment process, they gain a better understanding of addiction or mental health disorders. They begin to see order, whereas before, there was only chaos. The solutions to problems begin to come into focus.

We encourage family involvement for many good reasons, but the bottom line is that it improves outcomes. When the family is connected to the recovery process, the patient and the family benefit.

When families participate in treatment and recovery…

  • The teen receiving treatment feels seen and supported.
  • Family members feel seen and their feelings validated.
  • The family gains a greater understanding of the mental health disorder or addiction.
  • Family members feel less helpless and understand they can be part of the solution.
  • Family members often learn more about themselves and begin their own recovery.

Committed Mental Health Care for Teens and Their Families

From the first time you call Horizon Recovery, you will feel support and genuine empathy. We do this work because we are called to it. Most of our families have been touched by mental health disorders or addiction too.

We understand the healing journey – that’s why we’ve dedicated our lives to helping teens and their families overcome mental health challenges like depression and addiction. We’ve been there, and we know the way forward.

We go the extra mile to support families right from their initial contact with us. Small gestures, such as a comprehensive welcome packet that explains what to expect during residential treatment, go a long way in making families feel at ease. Moreover, as a pioneering step in our industry, we’ve introduced a dedicated Family Liaison whose sole responsibility is proactively communicating with families daily as their loved ones progress through treatment.

About Our Family Program

  • Family therapy sessions will be offered after our clinical team determines the most effective time. Often, the adolescent needs some time to work through some things before the family is brought into the therapy.
  • Our family liaison will update families on the progression and best timing for scheduling a family therapy session.
  • The frequency and content of family therapy sessions will be guided by our experienced therapists.

The Difference at Horizon Recovery

Our approach to mental health and substance abuse treatment for teens and adolescents is a bit different than what you may have seen before. While we focus on clinical excellence and employ proven, evidence-based treatment modalities here, we never lose sight of heart and soul. Recovery is about more than just medical science and psychotherapy, after all.

Teens struggling with depression or addiction are often in crisis. Being a teenager is tough already. You’re struggling to find your identity and understand your place in the world. Your hormones are surging, emotions run high. You’re experiencing new feelings and facing challenges you’ve never faced before. When depression, anxiety, or substance use disorders enter that equation, too, it can be a recipe for chaos.

We believe every teen we treat needs to feel seen, heard, and understood. Our mission is not only to help them overcome their substance use disorder and learn to manage their mental health but also to empower and inspire them. We treat and heal at Horizon Recovery, but we also engage and educate. Every teen we treat gains a greater understanding of their condition and symptoms, and they also get practical tools for managing their emotions and making better decisions.

happy young girl therapy - children's depression treatment

Better Mental Health Treatment for Teens and Adolescents

Horizon Recovery offers a higher standard of care for teens struggling with addiction, depression, or other mental health challenges. If your teenage son or daughter is wrestling with their mental health or a substance use disorder, we’re ready to help.

We provide the best residential mental health treatment for teens in Phoenix, AZ. Change begins with action. Pick up the phone and call us at (602) 755-7858, and together, we can get to work helping the teen you love right away.